On Monday afternoon, Jovi started getting spots all over her body. We weren't sure if it was an allergic reaction, or what, so when we got home we took her to the doctor - turns out it was a virus that made her have spots and diarreah. No fun, but at least it wasn't anything worse.

This is at the Sand Dunes in Snow Canyon. We burried the kids, gotta love Fisher's face!

Fisher in the hole.

Jovi in the hole, and not very happy.

Chachi in the hole.

This was at the end of Jenny's Canyon.

This was on our hike to the temple quarry. The kids took off, they had a really fun time.

This is at the beginning of the temple quarry hike. (More like a walk)

4 generation picture.

Driving down to St. George. The kids did way better than I thought they would. We bought DVD players, and that helped a lot, you can see that's what Fisher is looking at. Naps also helped a lot. It was so awesome to be in the nice weather, I got to wear shorts, and flip flops. I was sad to come back to Cache Valley snow on the ground, but I have high hopes that it will be spring here soon!