Fisher decided that the binky looked fun. So, instead of having him take Ainsley's all the time. I gave him this one, cause it has covers that close over the nipple, and
Chachi can't figure it out. Anyways, he thinks it's a pretty fun toy.
Fisher playing with Thomas. What cute kids!
Alright, so I know I've mentioned before how crazy Fisher sleeps, but this was just the weirdest. He never sleeps straight like this. It kinda freaked me out, cause he looks like he's dead. The pale face, and juice-stained lips don't help.
Chachi likes the beaters! I was making that yummy fruit salad with the vanilla pudding, buttermilk and cool whip, and well, she's hooked! What a face!
I had to do something, so here's
Chachi in the high chair with a sucker. What a good mom I am. At least she's happy, and contained in one place, right?
Fisher was nice enough to pose for me - what a cutie!