We've been pretty busy this past month, we've been able to do lots of fun things with our family. Carl went to scout camp for 4 days, we went to a Mackley reunion, had my sister and her family here from Missouri, and of course the 4th of July is always an adventure sleeping outside under the stars, and playing volleyball, seeing the parade and fireworks, eating pizza at midnight, etc. We've just been having too much fun for our own good.

We went to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house, and then to The Spaghetti Factory to eat after - Carl stayed home to put up flags the next morning for scouts, so it was a little crazy doing everything solo - my family is so nice to always help me out with my three kids, especially when Carl isn't there.

Here's Ainsley and Jovi - what cute sisters!
Fisher's taking Chachi for a ride on his new "car"

Here are all of the grandkids on my side - including Madi and Flint that got to visit this last week from Missouri. It was pretty much crazy trying to get a cute picture of everyone, there was at least 2 crying children at all times, so this is as good as it gets, I guess.

We went to Lagoon the day after boating, it was really fun. Everyone was dying of the heat, so we went on all the water rides, and then it started to pour! Then we all froze - summer in Utah, gotta love it. I think playing in the rain was the funnest part for Fisher and Ainsley, they loved it, but got drenched! We went home after this.

Here was Jovi's blessing day. Thanks to everyone that could come, we are so blessed to have such a great family!

This is everyone on my side that came.

And if everything that we've been doing hasn't been enough, we are currently trying to potty train Fisher, again, and as you can see, he's tired of it already. Okay, actually we had gone to the beach to have a picnic with the Olsens, and he fell asleep on the way home, and when I brought him into the house, he found his blanket on the bathroom floor, and went back to sleep.