I am excited to say that Jovi is pretty much potty trained! This must be a tender mercy with everything else that is going on right now. Last week, Ainsley was having potty problems, I thought it was a bladder infection, the doctor said she had a yeast infection, and some bacteria in her urine that was making it hurt when she went potty, and go more frequently - if that is even possible for that girl! Needless to say, we have spent A LOT of time in the bathroom lately!!! Jovi has also had a new obsession to be naked all day long, and she wants to fight me on everything! Welcome to the terrible two's, huh? I'm going to focus on how great it is not to have to change dirty diapers for a little bit. Also, I just wanted to express my love and gratitude to everyone who has been thinking and praying about our family! We have felt strengthened and comforted by your prayers and concern. Thank you so much!!! I've been stressed a lot about our baby's name, since we found out about his heart and everything, I've wanted to find the perfect name, something that means a lot, and nothing has really hit me. Then, the other day I was searching for names that had the word "heart" in their meaning, and I found the name Caleb - which means (depending on the website) dog, heart, or whole-hearted. It also said that dog was meaning faithful or loyal. Anyways, enough about Caleb, because that's not the name we chose, but it is a name derived from Caleb, which is Cale. When I looked up Cale it said, uncertain - which is kind of how we feel about this baby, and on another website it said slender or thin - and most babies and kids with congenital heart defects are smaller. So, with all of that explanation, we are going to name our baby Cale Dean Mackley. I have to say, after I found the name, I was very nervous to tell Carl, I thought he would hate it, but I guess it must be meant to be, cause he likes it too. We chose Dean for his middle name because my grandpa's middle name is Dean, and Carl's grandpa's first name is Dean, and they have both passed away, I call them our angel grandpas. I hope that they are with Cale now, and watching over us as we go through this trial. Sorry, mom if you hate it, I think we are sold on it, unless something else changes. It's so funny how much better I feel now that we have a name picked out - I don't know why it stresses me out so much.
Hey Lisa,
What a cool name! I like it even though I know my vote doesn't count. :) Since reading your post about Cale and his heart problem you have been on my mind a lot! My husband's cousin has a cousin on her husband's side of the family ... Anyway they are currently going through the 3 year old sugery. The surgery it self went well but they have had some other complications. Here is her blog address if you want to contact her that way. Hope you continue feeling blessed and loved! http://thewheatleyroundup.blogspot.com
Lisa and Carl,
I love you guys soooo much, I can't even express it. You guys have such a sweet and tender spirit! I know everything will be o.k. no matter what happens. I am totally here for you no matter what.
Love Micki
I like the name - a lot. You have such an amazing attitute towards this whole ordeal that has been placed upon your family.
Plus, hooray for potty training! That is one of my most dreaded parenting hurtles with each child.
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