Well, Ainsley is almost 10 months now, it's hard to believe how fast time flies - when you're not pregnant! At her 9 month appointment she weighed 16 and a half pounds. - 12th percentile and 27 inches - 8th percentile. But she has an above average sized head. What can I say, I have smart children. She started crawling soon after she turned 9 months, and she wants to stand all the time now, so I hope walking isn't coming around the corner, but I'm sure it will come sooner than I want anyways.
1 1/4 C Water
1 C whole wheat kernels
1/4 C dry milk (optional)
1 egg
2 T butter or oil
1 T honey or sugar
1/4 - 1/2 tsp salt
1 T baking powder
In blender, mix water, wheat, and dry milk on high for 3 minutes. Add egg, butter, honey and salt. Blend for 20 seconds. Add baking powder. Pulse three times, just enough to mix. Mixture should foam up and get very light. Cook immediately on a hot nonstick griddle
1 comment:
Ainsley is beautiful! So fun seeing all the pictures!
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